Are There Any Restrictions on Medical Personnel at a Fun Run in Omaha Nebraska?

When it comes to attending a fun run in Omaha, Nebraska, there are certain restrictions on the type of medical personnel that can be brought along. To ensure the safety of all participants, it is important to understand the rules and regulations that are in place. At Werner Park, all children must be accompanied by a paying adult over 16 years old. It is not permissible to leave children unattended.

Food from outside is not allowed, but certain foods or beverages may be carried to treat specific medical conditions or infant formula. The only outdoor beverage permitted is a sealed water bottle without the label. In order to provide adequate medical care in case of an emergency, it is recommended that a mini-MASH unit be set up with a defibrillator, an emergency car, intravenous devices and other related items. This should be done in collaboration with the emergency medical team.

Visitors to the Omaha Children's Museum can gain free access (up to four attendees) to the Centris Family Fun Zone by showing their Centris ATM card or Visa credit or debit card upon entering. The Heartland Pride Fun Run and Walk was originally held during the summer months but was postponed until September due to the large number of people attending. Werner Park is a unique outdoor venue that is home to Union Omaha and the Omaha Storm Chasers, the triple-A affiliate of the Kansas City Royals. An entrance allows access to public areas of Werner Park; any attempt to enter areas of the park with private or team access without permission from Union Omaha management will result in immediate expulsion.

The name and phone number of the medical director and key team members should be placed in each bathtub of the medical tent and at each assistance station. Paging is only available in cases of extreme emergency and at the discretion of Union Omaha management. Should the media enquire about an injured runner or about an incident in the race, medical and race directors should contact them to coordinate the type of information to be released and provide that information to the spokesperson.

Arthur Pallesen
Arthur Pallesen

Total coffee scholar. Typical zombie aficionado. Hardcore bacon fanatic. Proud beer lover. Hipster-friendly tv maven. Total music maven.